Interiors and Exteriors
Art and Design
Objects and Antiquities

Monday, January 5


Just before Christmas I joined Afie on a quick trip to LA for a taping of Conan and enjoyed a day witnessing television magic at Warner Bros. Studios.   I was fully prepared for a long boring day of waiting around in a dark dressing room for the purpose of our visit to be achieved.  Instead, I was completely entertained from the moment of arrival at 9am to our departure around 6pm. Spending time before the show was much more fun than the taping itself.  The taping was almost too entertaining.  The comedian and stage band intended to warm up the audience gave me the nervous sweats. I sat in fear of being called upon for audience participation and regretted asking for a seat when a jazz trumpet was blown in my face.

After soundcheck, and throughout the day, we could watch the rehearsals from various monitors around the studio. I enjoyed seeing the team of writers lined up on the guest couch (which was covered for protection until show time), with pads of paper and heads down rigorously preparing for that night's taping and for upcoming skits.  The rehearsals were more hilarious than the taped show, being looser and more relaxed.  We ate a geriatric turkey dinner and banana pudding in the cafeteria, served by a man in a tall paper hat.  The meal tasted better because it was purchased with food vouchers. Loved that cafeteria experience. We then spent the afternoon walking the grounds of various exterior sets, seeing New York in the California light.   Like most of my trips to America, novelty abounds and I certainly got my fill.

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