The weather was rather more March-ish than May-time for my visit yesterday, but around noon the sun broke through, spirits rose and wallets came out. You won't be finding high end items at this market, but there are some nice deals on solid furniture as well as strange curiosities in among the Pyrex and Canadian primitives. Aberfoyle Antiques Market is open Sundays, April to September, 8am to 5pm.
Up next on the spring circuit: Christies Antique Show. If you're going to head to one show this year, make it this one. Christie Lake Conversation Area hosts the event on May 25 and the setting is as stunning as the volume of dealers is staggering. You'll find a more diverse selection of objects here than at Aberfoyle, as many of the vendors are coming from outside of Ontario. With many museum quality items on display, the looking can be as good as the shopping.
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