Interiors and Exteriors
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Objects and Antiquities

Monday, November 18


Allow me to play culinary cupid for a moment and imagine the love child of Toronto's St. Lawrence Market and the famous food halls of Harrods. The offspring of these two taste titans would surely be a site to behold, let alone devour. It's literally a feast for the senses. 

Upon entry the nose is immediately filled with the smell of exotic spices from far away lands. The ears detect the noisy chatter of patrons happily eating up fresh made pasta, steak sandwiches, and a wonderful offering of bite sized pieces of fresh baguette laced with house made prosciutto and the most tender of pickled asparagus. The eyes can gaze upon the offerings from multiple fish mongers, their local fresh and smoked specimens playfully displayed. The hands may want to inspect the local produce to find just the right potato to go with tonight's dinner. Taste....anything...actually taste everything. 

I'm serious, there's nothing out of place here. Just individual stalls with friendly, knowledgeable vendors. Taste tacticians, specializing in almost everything one could need : oils, nuts, cheese, meat, fish, wine, spices, coffee, chocolate, bread, sweets...did I mention everything is the best quality I've ever tasted?  

You probably think I'm teasing you with this impossibly savoury seductress but I tell you it's here in Copenhagen. 

It's called Torvehallerne Kbh, and take it from a guy who likes eating and takes it very, very seriously....this place might be the reason I move here, for good. 

Guest contributor Afie Jurvanen

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